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To 0.7x

Accept and Verify JSON Web Tokens

We made changes to API authentication. Access to the API is now authenticated, and users can provide a URI to the keyset used to sign the JWT bearer tokens. Users can also provide a JSON pointer into the JWT claims for the Chronicle identity. A Chronicle AuthId with a verified external ID can then be found in the GraphQL context.

We also converted the JWT AuthId variant to be a structure of both a json-pointer -derived scalar and JWT claims.

Anonymous Identity Variant

By default, Chronicle allows unauthenticated access to the GraphQL API, classifying such a user as "anonymous". Adds an identity variant emanating from GraphQL or CLI, not authorized, allowing for the option to pass a transactor key as a CLI argument, or, if not, to generate an ephemeral transaction signing key for the anonymous agent.

Chronicle's GraphQL API will accept anonymous access as default unless disallowed with the new --require-auth option. Only with that option must a JWKS server be specified for JWT verification.

OPA Execution

We introduced new interfaces for OPA policy execution and loading. The OpaExecutor and PolicyLoader interfaces provide a flexible and straightforward way to evaluate OPA policies.

The OpaExecutor interface takes a Chronicle AuthId identity and an arbitrary JSON context, which it evaluates against an OPA policy. The WasmtimeOpaExecutor evaluates OPA policies compiled to .wasm for execution.

The PolicyLoader interface offers two implementations. The SawtoothPolicyLoader implementation loads an OPA policy rule that is compiled to .wasm from a Sawtooth address. The CliPolicyLoader implementation provides support for loading an OPA policy .wasm file via CLI arguments for a file path and policy entrypoint.

Chronicle integrates OPA execution at its GraphQL API endpoint and in its Transaction Processor to ensure access control and policy compliance.

Chronicle's opa-tp command-line interface (CLI) is used to interact with the Chronicle OPA-TP (Transaction Processor) for Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and OPA rule storage.

Chronicle now has opactl, which enables users to submit transactions to the Sawtooth network, specifying operations on OPA (Open Policy Agent) policies stored on the ledger. With this tool, users can inspect, modify, and query OPA policy states on the network, provided they have the policy ID.

No Changes, No Dispatch

We added API methods and responses to check whether Chronicle operations resulting from API calls will result in changes in state. If they don't, they won't be submitted to the Transaction Processor, instead returning Submission::AlreadyRecorded along with GraphQL data containing context and a null tx_id.

In-Domain Documentation Capabilities

Chronicle now provides users with the ability to generate a Chronicle domain with documentation by using a domain.yaml file and adding documentation comments to it.


Chronicle now uses async-stl-client in this update, which contains generic client types used by opa-tp-protocol. The transition to this new SDK has led to several improvements.

The LedgerReader and LedgerWriter client abstractions are now in common, with specialization for transactions and events in the chronicle-protocol and opa-tp-protocol modules. The simulated transaction processors now use the actual Chronicle and OPA TransactionHandlers during tests and in devmode.


Chronicle now supports the wasAttributedTo PROV-O relationship.

Endpoint offering JSON by IRI

Now, running Chronicle with the serve-api command, users can visit http://localhost:9982/data/chronicle:agent:my-agent-id and see a JSON summary, which they can also do for entity and activity.

To 0.6x

OPA TP, Protocol, and Skeletal CLI

We introduced an OPA policy and key registration transaction processor in this update. The OPA policy and key registration transaction processor share similarities in design with the Chronicle TP. Tested at the protobuf level, this feature is designed to operate independently of the rest of the Chronicle project.

To 0.5x

Move from SQLite to PostgreSQL

Chronicle now utilizes PostgreSQL instead of SQLite as its local database. This change brings several benefits, such as increased scalability and better performance for large-scale data management.

AuthId Identity Type

We introduced an identity union in this update, which offers a versatile and flexible approach to identity management. This new feature can be created from any of the following options:

  • Chronicle root key, identified by the agent name "chronicle"
  • an agent along with its corresponding key pair
  • a pointer into a JWT structure, for retrieving the external id to use for the agent and its key pair

The identity union includes the identity, public key, and signature, providing a comprehensive solution for managing identities in the Chronicle application.

To 0.4x

Chronicle Domain Linter

Chronicle now includes a domain linter from which Chronicle users can get helpful comments on fixing any formatting issues in their domain.yaml domain files.

Input Either ExternalId or Id in Relational Mutations and *ById Queries

Where relational mutations and queries previously required ActivityId, AgentId, and/or EntityId inputs, Chronicle now makes available the ActivityIdOrExternal, AgentIdOrExternal, and EntityIdOrExternal input types. In such cases, Chronicle users can now use either simply the ExternalId or the full Id. See Recording Provenance for examples.

Query Agents, Entities, and Activities by Type

Chronicle users can now query agents, entities, and activities by type.

JSON Attribute

In addition to String, Int, and Bool, Chronicle users can now add generic JSON data to activities, agents, and entities.

To 0.3x

The 0.3 release font loads a number of breaking changes to address usability and consistency:

New Completion Mechanism

Contradiction Notification

Before 0.3, contradictions would result in a no-operation, but with no notification to clients. 0.3 contains various protocol changes to notify Chronicle and connected clients of contradictions.

See: subscriptions.

Submission Notification

Before 0.3, submission was not independently notified from commit, and had no ability to carry an error result. There is now a 2 stage notification for chronicle operations.

See: subscriptions.

External ID

name is now externalId and will no longer be disambiguated by Chronicle when creating entities, activities, or agents. Previously, re-using a name in these operations would result in it being postfixed with an index. We discovered that stable external identifiers are far more useful in practice and will enable batching operations and convenience methods for revision in future releases.

Short Form IRIs

Chronicle ids will now be written in their short form with a prefix of chronicle: vs, operations will continue to accept the long form for backwards compatibility.